A small and exquisite historical village of the Costa degli Etruschi, Sassetta rises on the summit of a hill which dominates the sea. 

Sassetta shows the typical appearance of medieval villages , in a continuous web of alleys and lanes , from which you can often enjoy stunning views of the surrounding woods. At the entrance of the old town are the Palace Montalvo , called " The Old Castle " .

Entering through the adjoining door you can walk the picturesque cobbled streets overlooked by houses with stone. At the center of the village is the parish church of St. Andrew the Apostle .

An old medieval stronghold, it is surrounded by the greenery of the woodland, rich in trekking ways and planned paths for walking, cycling and horse-riding. Characterised by old traditions that have been handed down through the ages, Sassetta is home to suggestive folk events, amongst which there are the autumn festivals celebrating the tasty dishes that lie at the core of Sassetan gastronomy.



The date of the founding of the church is not certain, but it was enlarged and restored in 1625 under the political controlo (Signoria) of Don Garcia Ramirez de Montalvo. The church contains some paintings from the seventeenth century: among them, a beautiful painting on wood of the first half of the sixteenth century depicting the Madonna and Child with Saints Jerome and Anthony Abbot, by an artist of quality well into the formal models of the Tuscan Renaissance, and a painting by Giovan Battista Soldini, bound by friendship to the Ramirez family from Montalvo, painted in Florence and then transferred to the feaudal estate of Sassetta, which reinterprets the theme of the Stigmata of St. Francis, the prototype of which is the painting by Cigoli at the Uffizi in Florence. 

The baptismal font is a fifteenth century cup, while the rock crystal reliquary cross is a work of the Renaissance.



The Castle is located along the fortification of the old town , behind the church of St. Andrew the Apostle .

Though it was built on previous foundations, the Castle dates back to the sixteenth century when the Ramirez de Montalvo family obtained the entire village as a feud.

The Montalvo were from Spain and had moved to court in Florence in the wake of Eleonora of Toledo ; here received honors and importance , so much so that Antonio Ramirez Montalvo became one of the most trusted courtiers of Cosimo I de ' Medici , getting a big prize in Florentine building, the fief of Sassetta .

The building was renovated in the eighteenth century . On the front is a large family crest stone.

The Palazzo Montalvo was declared unusable in 2005 , so at the moment you can only visit the outside area .



The exhibition of sacred art of Sant'Andrea is set up in the chapel annexed to the church, in the historic center dI Sassetta.

The exhibition was inaugurated on January 9, 2010, and aims to show the most significant evidence of the rich artistic heritage accumulated over the centuries in this land, enriching the knowledge of what and kept on altars inside the church.

The Ramirez de Montalvo ruled for more than two centuries this village and, thanks to their prominent role in the grand ducal court, the Church of St. Andrew was equipped with works of art and furnishings that reflect the taste in vogue in Florence.

The Stauroteca: the precious reliquary cross renaissance of rock crystal and gold harness. Represents one of the many donations of Montalvo.

Of great importance for their rarity and magnificence is the rich collection of vestments, copes, tunicles, chasubles, stoles, bags, hand pieces and veils in gros de Tours rolled silver and brocades, velvets and silks in harness with gold and d 'silver, embroidered with polychrome silk, representative of textile production output, between the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries, from the most famous Italian and French manufacturers.




The Feste d'ottobre, taking place in Sassetta on the last three Sundays of the month, are characterized by gastronomic festivals and pageants. In those days the village relives its medieval past through the historical costume parade, performances of flag-wavers and the famous "Palio dei ciuchi", the challenge between the city districts.

The chestnut, polenta and wild game are the main ingredients of the gastronomic offer, cooked on the basis of old recipes. 

The event is organized by the municipality of Sassetta



In Sassetta the “Art Routes” are realized with the sculptures of the Symposium. Thanks to the patronage of the Livorno Chamber of Commerce, the works of the several editions of the Symposium are sited along the main distinctive places of the village: the old town or in historical points of interest. Every sculpture is provided with a chestnut - wood table on which appear the artist, the name of the work and a brief synopsis of what the sculptor means. 

Walking along the “Routes” you can breathe not just art and culture: you also find the ancient beauties of a thousand – years old village. 



The "Park of Poggio Blacks" consists of a vast hilly forest, dominated by oaks and chestnut trees, which offers many recreational opportunities for those who prefer outdoor activities such as trekking, horse tourism, collecting mushrooms and chestnuts, hunting, cycling.

Inside the park there are paths for trekking, properly reported, which can be traveled on foot, horseback or mountain bike. Along the trails you can stop at points equipped to stop and picnic, drink drawing on old retrieved sources and retrace the difficult living conditions of coal miners by observation of a faithful reconstruction specially made near a squeegee decommissioned. This is the Museo del Bosco.

It was also set up a viable path from Disabled to allow all the enjoyment of this magnificent natural resource.

In the forest museum you will find:

The charcoal burner's hut and his family (made of clods)

The place of dinner and a stone oven

The chicken coop (also built with clods)


All the tools needed for coal production